Monday 11 July 2022


Varahi Temple , Chaurashi . Odisha. By - Sapna Acharya

Opportunity came to my forefront when I listened regarding the importance of  one of the most iconic temple of Odisha.On my brief visit to Puri on the month of June ,2022, interaction with Dr B. C Mishra come out the result for making a plan to visit there. One can make plan to visit from Puri then the travelling is very easy by local bus which are going frequently to Kakatpur which is only 55km . From there one can take local auto for going Varahi Temple that is 12km distance from Kakatpur. After reaching main road Amareswar and Hirapatna road then easily we can go through the village of Chaurashia.After passing the greenery patches and beautiful village sight , temple come in front of us. If anyone are planning to visit by their own car then time will be consumed no hassle is there to reach there directly. Roads are quite good and people are very friendly.Surrounding areas are very greenery and ASI has taken responsibility for maintenance.

Varahi Temple is a masterpiece of Odisha architecture style. It is said that Somavamshi ruler of Odisha built this temple around  10th century .The Idol Varahi represent a symbol of Shakti for devotees. The important fact is the Varahi Temple is East Facing and made by sandstone. The entrance point of the temple shows the very different looks by the presence of small pillar . One of the specific sculpture at the pillar indicates the symbolic represents of God.The feminism cult raised  at its peak at that century to give strength for the life and force.The center point of life revolves around the shaktism and society forcefully raised for the worship of shakti cult and tatrink .

 The entrance pillar decorated with well knitted carvings which shows the competent skilled of artisans.The entire temple is decorated with ample divine forces and motives. The style of carvings are mostly  very unique in character . Though few statues are not there . The depiction of nagas at the pillars are a most appreciative art of temple. On the walls of Jagamohan so many stories are engraved on the basis of Ramayan. As like abduction of Sita, killing of of a deer by Rama and Laxman, the murder of Jatayu and the murder of Bali are some of the interesting pictures beautifully described on the stones.
The motifs and the articulately engraving of motifs are an another interesting facts of Varahi Temple.
Few of erotic sculptures shows the importance of the art on the walls of the temple. Due course of time the clarity of vision of sculpture are less .


The presence of Sun God with two lotus on his hand is explained the story of the importance of the worship of Surya at the bygone eras.Seven horses carries the chariot by charioteer is a divinity fact of the temple. The Ganesh idol at the other side makes it a aesthetic vision for devotees.

The presiding deity inside the temple represents Shakti and divine force which basically represents Matsya Varahi. with the face of a Varaha and the body of a divine woman. At the outset it shows that the idol has a big belly it seems that the whole universe is holding on her belly. The practice of Tantric rituals exists there since ages. Non veg like fish offers her on every puja.
On my own experience i feel the serenity of the place.After meditation, feeling of positive force is there. Spirituality of depthness is vibrating throughout the location.One need believe and force to make an attempt to save our sculpture and architecture along with History.

Its a place of worship to our culture and tradition . The style of cravings attracts us to know about the knowledge of our fore- fathers who had given such an art to the world .

Entrance of Varahi Temple

Details information has given by ASI

Varahi Temple at the outset . View of Jagamohan

The brief visit gave me solace to find the intensity of our culture. Odisha is a place of art and architecture. We need to explore for our knowledge. One can complete tour within one day. No difficulty is there to pay a short visit.For everything, passion is a necessary fact . Foe gaining anything one have to loss something so hard work and hurdles are there in each  journey .Take it  easy and plan your travelling according to your own budget . Everything is possible.
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Sapna Acharya

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