Tuesday 12 July 2022

Ramchandi Temple,Odisha

              RAMCHANDI TEMPLE

More to explore more to gain knowledge.Travelling to an unique places gives an opportunity to know extensively about its culture , history and the legendary stories.This is what happened when i decided to visit Ramchandi Temple near Konark mostly 25km distance from Puri. Its also viable to travel from any nearby locations like Cuttack or Bhubaneswar. Mostly any season tourist can visit there to enjoy the serenity looks of the area. Once it was surrounded by dense plants like casuarina. The cold wave from the sea beach and the shimmering water of Tungabhadra river creates a magical feeling to breathe . What need to more for a short relief for hectic modern life?The long travel almost 25km from Puri to Ramchandi Temple through Marine drive road is an exhilarating experience.

View of Ramchandi Temple

After reaching there with rich satisfaction the aura within the temple premises attracts the attention of materials which are available there for offering to goddess.The fresh lotus flower along with hibiscus with red vibrating color seems wait to assimilate with the heavenly offering on behalf of devotees. The faith , the divinity and the feelings creates a mysterious atmosphere. The droplets of water on the lotus flower floating in a such a way that gives indicates for the flow of subsistence for living life in a peaceful manner. The silent looks of the monger wait for the customer to sell his worship materials for offering to Goddess.

The inner sanctum of the temple where Maa Ramchandi has been there for the protection of human life.Its a legend that Invader Kalapahad was treacherously invaded Utkala during 17th century for  the destruction of Temples. After coming close to this temple he was thirsty and for water he asked for a help from an old woman . The maluni dressed woman was no other but a protector of land Goddess Ramchandi. She opted him to wait for few minutes for brining water from the river . After long wait when no one came then exhausted invader entered inside the temple where no one was there . At the outset what he observed was that Maa Ramchandi was floating in the water of Kushbhadra river where water outpoured and impossible to reach there by any means. From there he returned back without harming any more temples of Odisha.It was believed that temple was built on the instruction of Devi Maa  to her priest.

The visitors arrival throughout year is an expected matter . The devotees come here with a lot of  wishes once fulfilled then they never forget to tie the red bengals and thread at the banyan tree that is situated just at the left side of the entrance gate of the temple. Its a things of faith and force for taking life further.The whole scenario looks as if someone is there to motivate for positive life force as red is a symbolizes feelings of passion . It sends the force of pulse racing . A symbolic sign of fulfilling the desire of expectation. If we feel the sanctity meaning then it provide a numbers of way to get right answer from that view . 

The lower part of banyan tree loaded with a large numbers of red bengals with holy clothes. As if our expectations from life is too excessive . The inner communication with the feelings of devotees with the supreme power is unspoken  assumption for the existence of life. This is how one can realize the feelings and aura at the premises of  temple.

Once going backward of the temple then view of sea beach is amazing with the  long presence of dense coniferous tree.To understand the natures beauty at its maximum utility one have to give time for gaining something from the heavenly world. This is the creation of nature and blessings of Supreme authority that's why its a magical view. No man made things creates sensation for the peaceful life.The Khushabhadra river flows near the sea and unites with the Bay of Bengal . Even though the gap between two water bodies are very close to each other still they maintain their norm for not crossing their limits at some point . After interact with the locals they explained even in rainy season the water level at the mouth of the river where it flows into the sea remain same level.Directly or indirectly nature guides us so many things but we humanbeing never try to understand the depth of guidelines and rules of nature, We do what we feel appropriate for us . Never think on behalf of others comfort zone . Perhaps this is the main reason for which the level of hypocrisy and turmoil increases day by day by harming and interfering the rules of nature excessively.Boat riding is available to enjoy the tour more.

The middle land portion divides the river and sea. The water never cross from either side. 

At season time the availability and cost of boat ride is very nominal due to presence of tourist. Almost Rs 150 per head they are charging for one hour ride  to meeting point of sea with river . Otherwise for single person if any one wish to book individually then the cost of ride increases upto Rs 1000. But its worth to make a ride and experience a divine feelings there for a moment.

1.Transport facility is available from Bhubaneswar and Puri.

2, Very close to Konark Temple . One can visit there at the same day.

3. Spending few hours in the sunrise and sunset time is an advisable to experience the beauty of nature at it best.

4. Keep water bottle and eatables for emergency for safe side as options are very limit there.

5. Make options to travel through Marine Drive road .Its an exhilarating experience. But , for nature lover and environmentalist , the present stage of cutting trees and deforestation on both sides of road is a heart wrenching feeling .

6. Over growing of hotels creates a nuisance and it effects the natural devotional feelings.

Next more to come regarding the details of new locations.

Do comment and share this blog for better awareness.

Sapna Acharya.

Blogger# traveler #travel #travel history#exploration #define #life

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